Back Story

3 yeerz past

I luv themz, but theyz are foolsez. How can Tribe be so simpul and singel mindeded. Yes, to killz and stealz can be excitingness, but wut aboutt actz of selflessnessz? Explorzashun? Helpun weaklingz? Canz joy be hadz in that? Me thinkz so. Theyz alwayz sayz I think too much. Theyz don't thinks enuff! I wantz to experiencez more than Goblin life!

2 yeerz past

I've made me desizshun. Wenz I an adult, I will leavez the Tribe for goodz. There a huge bigee wurld out therez and as soon as i reach 8 years, I'm outz dis bitch! Adulthoodz is go be awsumz!!

1 yeerz past

Thatz man prisoner was so inturestin. He learned mee so much about this ladee called Tymora. She sez Fortchun Favors the Bold! That's meez. I bold! Too bad theyz killz hims. Butt furst he tellz me wher he learnz about TYMORA. He thinkses lotz! Like mee! Also, he do fightin.

Current Day

Through deep reflection, training in mind, body and soul, a serene discipline, and a bright outlook on the future, I leave the monastery of Our Smiling Lady, Tymora. May her guidance aid me as I explore this vast world. New experiences abound. May Lady Luck show me the path. Fortune favors the bold.